Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sony Rear Projection Tvkp57wv600 Problems

EMITTER CIRCUITS RADIONIC, pendulums and biotensor

Circuits Radionic printed or drawn on paper is essential to the projection distance of the wave form of the intentions of the operator charges. Moreover radionics circuits are a good substitute for expensive instruments Radionic used in homeopathic medicine that species. A good radionic circuit must be able to project the remedy at the same time not saturated with negative energy and thus become unusable. The use of radionics circuits ranging from one field to another according to their needs or requirements.

Here at hand here is a circuit radionic par excellence. Because it is the circuit called Shield and serves to shield and protect themselves from any kind of negative energy. This circuit was designed by the brothers Servrvanx , born from the study on the waves of the form should be oriented north to work properly witness the photo should be placed on the central cross it without touching the edges. If you want to avoid the orientation to the north, in theory, simply insert it in a circle but personally I prefer to fiddle a bit with the compass. If you do not have one available, you can use in this enlarged photo in A4 size without changing the proportions.

More amazing is the circuit radionic Decagon discovered (using radionics) by Servranx always very useful to enhance all forms on the inside. For example, we want to help a person dear to us because the night is
always bad dreams, only it is far away and abbiamop at his disposal only a game written for his autograph on a napkin the last time we met at the restaurant. This is to, warning that is about to receive valuable help and go to bed confident. Clipped to his signature and place it inside the decagon for at least half an hour. Unlike the pendulum ask how long you should stay inside the decagon. On another sheet of paper cut to size for the Shield write a black stroke: and peaceful sleep without nightmares. and we put above the signature of both the written side up.
After that procedure, with pendulum always ask how long the witness so made shall be exposed on the shield. also received this information we put the first signature and then going over the cross inside of him without touching the outer edges aligned to the north and we put in a safe place, the light and no longer move it until the end of the operation which may vary from a few minutes to several hours. to always spend at least two days between an application and another. Have fun


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