Monday, February 7, 2011

Hinged Ring Hot Topic

biotensor and pendulums

biotensor here it is. An essential tool for the identification of nodes, and Hartmann all pathogenic forms of energy that can nest in your home or on the person. Research with biotensor differs from that because it is made mainly by the pendulum in the field without the use of witnesses, dials, maps. The biotensor derived from the ancient stone used by the divining rod before the fork is very reliable in the field studies because it reflects the movement of the body or the wind as it does the simple pendulum suspended from a wire or chain .
This in photography is my biotensor DIY. Wooden grip, highly flexible steel core, glass sphere that gives the necessary weight to balance the movement, spiral brass for specific detection of all energies and geopathogenic intentionally built for the collection of nodes Hartmann.Si is a tool very sensitive and experience in the field appears to be excellent for measurements indoors. In the market there are many types and unfortunately in Italy as always cost a fortune. So like most researchers, I have to fend for myself and also in addition to biotensor build clocks, especially the Egyptian in that it is the most reliable ever since it emits its energy and does not charge balance (the balance is the trace bioplasmic which is released at the place of storage from any body or substance and therefore its presence is distorting the research and forces the operator to constantly clean up the pendulum. This is not the case with the Egyptian pendulum, then I believe it is the safest ever.
Here are some examples of pendulums side made by me. Three Egyptians, a conical pendulum and the manufacturers.

Col biotensor one can easily deduce what kind of energy emanates a person or an object or a preparation simple question:
this person in the photograph reproduced radiates negative energy?
if according to our convention, the answer is yes does not mean that the person in the photo is evil but it could very well be suffering from liver or just depressed, then you need to be more selective with more specific questions such as:
- Energy negative emanta from this person in the photo is due to sickness?
And again
- ... physical illness?
- ... emotional?
- the negative energy emanating from this person in the photo is due to an attitude of mind?
... nourished a grudge against itself?
... to the next? And so on. The
biotensor is also useful to identify the intentions of a person:
- this friend in the photo is sincere in his intentions towards me?
- The owner of this company really wants to offer me a job? For the home

the method is more or less the same, ask the biotensor in the air, his arm stretched and relaxed, and pose the question:
- in this house there is negative energy?
if you go on:
- the negative energy in this house is one of nature geopathic?
- ... there are nodes hartmann? ... interested in my bed ...? in that position ... biotensor with the test as all the bed and then around the room.
VoltGo identified nodes ask the biotensor showing photos of various rebalancing:
to neutralize this node hartmann, should position us well above Luxor quest'orgonite ... ... plate, copper sheet, bottle, crystal quartz. then choose what biotensor movements as the most suitable for this purpose.


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