Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Rhino V Rachet And Clank


With Divining I was able to determine the exposure times of certain foods to bring them back to the initial vibration value thanks to the energizing of FYROM and these are the results:
salad (one head) 20min.
An apple from the supermarket (treated) 10 min.
An orange organic 7min. An organic apple
One liter of fresh milk, skimmed the central 18min.
SB A bottle of mineral water bought at the supermarket just 20 minutes. A
fennel, 15min.
A banana, 8min. a kilo of bananas, 18min. A pineapple
A coconut 18min.
I also measured with a ruler Bovis treated apple, an orange and an apple organic natural before and after treatment with FYROM vibrational energy measured with the ruler of Bovis and the Pendulum Egyptian, was treated in the apple a vibration of 6,000 UB - 6,600 Natural apple and orange (much cooler) 7500 UB.
All living things must be healthy to vibrate at a higher level at 6,500 Bovis units. Below this figure goes to the illness, and with regard to food, to the deterioration of all the nutritional properties and health benefits.
I've exposed to the FYROM for the time indicated for each of them and I could see that the first rose to 7550 UB, 9000 UB in the second and last even UB to 10,000. I then continued to make them stand in front of the instrument but an hour later the values \u200b\u200bwere always the same.


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