Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Old Ski Doo Tundra For Sale

Negative Energy, how to get rid

Negative Energy, when it comes to negative energies must clearly specify what you mean. During the long years of experience over hundreds and hundreds of cases, I observed that factors triggering the release of negative energy are many but in reality the negative energy is one, whether it comes from an organ sick from a haunted house. The negative energy like that positive (which is nothing other than its negation) can convey my thoughts, may be issued by special plane or solid geometric shapes and can be drawn from a variety of formulas: spells, curses, blasphemies.

This is the classic picture, which is sbellicare laughter from the skeptics and despair ago often the mere mortals who are entangled in his nets.

In the last two decades have greatly increased energy-related adverse events very disturbing: apparitions, shadows, feelings of persecution , bad luck, accidents, even repeated. No one apparently can give a satisfactory explanation for these events and it seems that even the blessings of the priest to be effective for long.

Some think the region and perhaps have to say that it is the fault of de-Christianization and maybe they're right but not all.
In the famous book by engineer Peter Zampa, Divining pioneer in Italy, ELEMENTS RADIESTHESIA , (ed. Vannini 1973) pag.119 heading to harmful waves reads:
- Egyptian Statuettes or ancient peoples, engaged in bloody rituals (Mexico), some Indian statues, etc.. etc.. -
Who does not like souvenirs? and now no longer have to personally go in search of trophies such, we think the Internet. And not only. Just take a trip to the markets and fairs. Even the simple elephant or turtle printed in China and sold for one euro by Moroccans, on the contrary, the pendulum rotates Egyptian or biotensor.

How many masks, statues, African dishes come from the tribal villages? and how many of these represent a deity or evil suppelletili to have served as rites of blood? Unfortunately, many tribal tattoos are real radionics circuits feeding into the negative energy person slowly poisoning the body. Many crop circles, apparently created by demonic entities when played at home and brought him or slowly pollute the environment.

In the field of energy we can not profane act and get away . If you want to use it one must know it, otherwise it is better to give up. Knowing how to use the pendulum or biotensor is the minimum to be able to approach it with confidence. Every object of esoteric matrix before being worn or brought into the house should be carefully tested and discarded if in doubt, because often in the field of certainty may never come. You need to have sixth sense and intuition and never suspicious of your feelings.


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