Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Showdown: Maha Mh-c9000 Vs. La Crosse Bc-900


2012 as everyone is fascinated by this date: 21/12/2012. Announced an end or the media bin usually put on just to sell millions of books? Personally, I faced the same old thing so, accompanied by the Egyptian faithful have started to bring up questions and answers were nothing short of exciting.
The 2012 will mark the end of an era, the aliens in the sky will continue to do tantrums too shy to show up and fall as the last great myth of the twentieth century that has just passed and finally, the Mayan calendar will rest in peace with its inventors .
Wikipedia says about the 2012 confirming my research:

Based on interpretations of New Age imprint mainly , two different scenarios have been formulated on the correspondence of that date: o with events such as the end of the world or by radical transformations of the same world as the beginning of the 'Age of Aquarius , a period of global peace and deep spiritual evolution .
Both scenarios can be defined as prophesied apocalyptic taking into account the double meaning of the word: or figuratively as total devastation, devastating cataclysm, disaster misfortune, or in its etymological sense of revelation . [7] A similar distinction is provided by the term catastrophe, which in fact requires a disambiguation . [8]
From an inscription on the Monument to the archaeological site of 6 Tortuguero we get the date of 2012, which would involve something that would happen a mysterious Mayan gods, Bolon Yokte, usually associated with war and creation. From here, if they have obtained any prophecy Maya date to 2012. [9] There is however a number of other boards that bear dates subsequent to 2012 very well, which suggests that the Mayans did not think to this day as the last. [10]

Refutations of the scholars of the ancient Maya

The belief in the disaster on 21 December 2012 or close to it, is considered a wrong prediction by the mainstream scholars of ancient Maya, but is commonly quoted in the media of popular culture as the problem of 2012. [11] According
Sandra Noble, executive director the Foundation for the Advancement of Mesoamerican Studies, Inc. to Crystal River in Florida , "Making December 21, 2012 as a Day of Judgement or a moment of cosmic change is a complete fabrication and a chance for many people to make a profit. "The end of a calendar cycle was in fact seen by the Mayan people simply as an occasion of great celebrations to celebrate the entry into new era in this case the sixth round. [12]

In practice we are faced with a new New Year! But of course, ended the prophecies of a religious nuanced in good faith with the twentieth century, today's disasters are taking hold in global and universal background where the only people who really enjoy are only publishers, newspapers, film producers more than any other.
The pendulum is confirmed and I believe 2012 is just a hoax the media.


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