Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Nadia Bjorlin Up Skirt

Earthquakes; can be prevented? Negative ions

earthquakes, how to prevent them. From time immemorial, people struggle to survive the disasters that nature has the form of Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, volcanic eruptions. Since the dawn of each tribe had its own particular men or women, can prevent such disasters, offering sacrifices to various gods in hopes of avoiding the catastrophe. However the man is almost never managed to escape unscathed in such events. Now comes un'eccezzione, the man of the rising sun. Construction and buildings elastic and springy able to withstand earthquakes of unprecedented power. View the day after the disaster has stifled the praise and was a little man grappling with a problem even more terrifying aftershocks of the tsunami and the ten thousand dead, the nuclear catastrophe. But if an earthquake were to hit Italy so what would happen? Still mindful of the Irpinia, Assisi and the Eagle would say that the only thing left to do is pray. In this regard, deeply moved by the doubts instilled by programs like Vojager with the predictions of Bendandi about possible earthquakes catastrophic in the capital during the course of this 2011 timidly raise his eyes to heaven, and after having examined the possibilities offered by the invention of Ighina shown by him in an interview, made by three rai See note with dismay that beyond the rhetoric of our leaders and politicians including, dell'Ighina this is the only real chance we have to physically groped to counter a possible future cataclysm in our old and dilapidated city made even more dangerous by a housing throughout the Italian made up of illegal building and building speculators. It is certainly not one that we build a dogma but a tool that's worth a try considering a sort of modern sculpture and crossing your fingers. But then what else can you do? Tormented by doubts, among other things, I decided legitimacy of hope to follow the old path, monotonous and perhaps surpassed, but always present. However, since I know very well the noble deeds of the Archangel Michael I decided to rely heavily on the patronage of the secu perlappunto my family that lives in Rome with the constant recitation of a special prayer and invite those who believe and even those who does not believe to do the same as history has amply recorded all the protective action of the Prince of Angels in favor of our country over the centuries. But as
I wonder if things are going we will still be worthy to enjoy its protection or preparing to do what we did in the evening to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?

In this regard an act of sincere contrition, and then pray this prayer is very effective from an ancient book unavailable on the market, the greatness of St. Michael the Archangel, which was originally called "Lent of St. Michael the Archangel 1868. Updated by Lina Flowers in 1958 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the priesthood of his spiritual Father Pio of Pietrelcina House published the alleviation of suffering and purchased by me in a reprint of 1991. This book tells the form of meditation all the deeds from Sant'Arcangelo in Italy and around the world since their first appearance took place on Mount Gargano in 490 AD. Flowers was the job of removing from the book all those events which failed to verify historical data, and what remained of the book corresponds to reality; forty beautiful meditations on the healing power of angels, angelic and the crown over fifty real and miraculous interventions to save the people of the time: barbarian invasions, earthquakes, storms, disease, and the terrible tyrants Mori, particularly in certain regions of Puglia and Spain. If Italy has arrived undamaged and free from Turkish domination today, it is in gran parte alle gesta di San Michele Arcangelo e alla fede del popolo italiano che sempre lo ha invocato in suo soccorso.


Sanctus Deus + Sanctus fortis + Sanctus Immortalis + miserere nobis.
Princeps gloriosissime Michael Archangele esto memor  nostri hic ubique semper
deprerecare pro nobis flilium Dei: et defende nos in praelio ut non pereamus in tremendo iudicio.
C. A flagello terraemotus 
R. libera nos, Domine.
C. Ora pro nobis S. Michael Archangele
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Crhisti.

Onniponens sempiterne Deus, qui respicis Terram et facis eam tremere, parce metuentibus
propitiae supplicantibus: ut cuius iram terrae fundamenta concutientem 
expavimus, clementiam contritiones eius sanantem iugiter sentiamus.
Beati Archangeli tui Michealis intercessione suffulti, supplices Te, Domine, deprecamur: ut quod
ore prosequimur, contingamus et mente. Per Cristum Dominum nostrum.

PS + sign to make the sign of the cross . (Who can, who can not pray as they wish)


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