Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Fuji Film Fp-100c Work In Polaroid One Step

ELIOS Ighina

ELIOS, another instrument of the great dramatic genius Ighina is aggregated to the large following of tools working / creating ; renewable bioenergy currently in my possession. The ELIOS thanks to the special aluminum and color properties can generate an energy field within its peculiar ring which is further enhanced by the water.

Trying to figure it out, literary ELIOS means gift of the sun. This connects us to the genius of our inventor, (Ighina) with the simplicity that gave substance to a divine oestrus other valuable characteristics of the emitted energy from the Sun The rhythmic energy absorbed and emitted from abstraction to be relayed from the ground source matter, FYROM, which is translated nell'ELIOS green color and the spiral of aluminum.
This tool works with the energies of so-called thin, primordial, primary undetectable by common tools. Its impact in the environment is immediate, gradual and uninterrupted its quantifiable benefits over time against all the organisms exposed to its range. It is useful to break down all those pollutants in the air, water, food, human and animal body including the radioactive contamination.

ELIOS operations reaches the maximum after about three weeks of continuous use, taking care not to leave never without water in it, and making sure to place it on a shelf of wood / glass or on the ground, never in direct contact with reinforced concrete (floor) as the chemical and physical structure of concrete amends' altering energy emission. I use a pot sown with dell'erbetta on which I hold the instrument, taking care to wet the soil from the pot so as not to damage the feet. As I said

ELIOS has just arrived at my house, now I have finished the preliminary stages of operation as a researcher and soon I will dedicate to discover all its features as always using my trusty tools of investigation; Egyptian pendulum, the biotensor and lots of patience. Those wishing to find out more about this tool please do not hesitate to ask me your questions, I will answer gladly here in the blog to extend the range of my inquiries ..


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