Thursday, March 17, 2011

Honeywell Chronotherm Iv Blank Power

Atlas Bar, seeing is believing

Atlas bar, studying the possibilities offered by this wonderful srumento, I had the light to bear on a triangular piece of wood and hang the bar Atlas so made within that separates' kitchen from the rest of the kitchen where we usually get together to eat. Circulates air in the house often heavy and more than once that the pendulum is the biotensor indicated the issue of negative wave come down the stairs behind the wall of the kitchen. Often they fought at the table, even for a trifle, full of nervousness and tension most of the time inexplicable. It was carrying the proverb calzolalio with broken shoes, so driven by the need to have some peace at home I began the search for a tool that would help me get it.
The movie that follows, I turned the February 25 last year at about nine o'clock in the evening, my wife had gone to drink when at one point felt like a breath behind her and saw the bar turning curiosity excited as crazy, as if he had taken a violent blow. called me and Time to fire up the camera and this is what I managed to film:

You can also think of it as a stunt but it really happened,
(also unexplained why the movie has come so dark, you see only the illuminated triangle and variously colored and watching carefully you can guess the oblique impact is received when he intercepted and neutralized beam of energy, even if the rest of the wood is dark, completely different from what appears in the picture, permanently lit) twice in less than a month, but the second time was much more violent in fact swayed for nearly ten minutes. My wife stayed hurt all evening and if there had been no bar to protect Atlas dare not think what might have happened.
I submitted it to an expert, and confirmed my research and that is that it was an issue of cosmic energy of unprecedented power.
When the bar stopped waving a picture I took, and here's how it was positioned by turning on itself that is hanging on the wires:
I have made for a room, hung beneath the chandeliers , put on the cupboards, under the bed. Although it is accustomed to events of all kinds I had never seen a piece of wood weighing three hundred grams dizzy sway that way as if he had received a tremendous kick. I stayed with my mouth open like a fool, unable to do anything for several minutes. At home the atmosphere is different and unexplainable strife are just a memory.

; Update
For the sake last night at the same time and under conditions of light I thought to give a jolt to the bar of Atlas and its evolution I filmed with my old faithful and the digital Finepix A205S FujiFilm, Judge you the result.

In practice I am room in front of the corner Cooking with the light on behind me while the light is off the kitchen and you can also see the light bulb above the cabinet doors and bottles of Coke, but the most obvious thing is the bar, you see very well in detail what however, impossible to do in the first movie. The wine-colored piece of architrave visible in both films indicates that I was lit from behind. I came to the conclusion that the energy that struck the bar has stolen all the light around it.


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