Thursday, March 24, 2011

Super Sentai In Streaming


Protocol for the protection of nuclear
I thank my dear friend Anna for sending me this great document without adding any other place full:


print out THIS POST IF NECESSARY 'Promote them.



Since we live in a toxic planet that is becoming more toxic every year, anyone who wants to survive the challenges that our bodies are subjected it is better to be prepared for an effective protocol for detoxification, chelation of heavy metals and particles radioactive.

Considering what is happening in Japan and the assurance that in case of catastrophic accident, the radiation will arrive in Italy, although very minimal, and the certainty that comes on our table through the diet, you better know how to protect so effective in the event of contamination, with the information in this post, radioactivity will no longer afraid because it can deal a winner. The recommendations relate to any contamination, no matter how severe, with the simple power, it was later discovered that in Japan after the atomic bomb in hospitals that had certain foods were free from cancer and leukemia, while others with a deaths in different supply amount, the simple recipe will give at the end of the post, before winning important information and advice.

In the case of nuclear accident are two primary enemies, uranium and radioactive iodine, this is the primary threat to be addressed, other compounds such as radioactive cesium and strontium children, also are removed. Considering that we are still exposed to radiation sources for medical and other type, the intake of some supplements, detoxification purposes is still an excellent idea. Therefore it is advisable to stock the products I will mention.


not all the iodine is the same, the body uses various forms of iodine. In the case of exposure to radiation the degree potassium iodide, is the form to be taken to protect the thyroid having a strong affinity with that body as a blocking agent, in that it binds to the radioactive iodine that is removed in 24-72 hours, and is produced for that purpose, if radiation is not present intake of potassium is ineffective. It is found in tablets of 130 milligrams. Do not buy boards with lower levels.
adults and pregnant women, 130 milligrams per day.
Children from 3 years to 18 years up to 70 kilograms, 65 milligrams a day.
Children weighing over 70 kg, 130 mg per day depending on age.
Children from one month and three years of age, 32 milligrams per day regardless of the fact that not breast-feed.
Children from birth to age one month to 16 milligrams per day regardless of whether or not breast-feed. It would be good
not normally wait for the arrival of radiation before you act and take potassium iodide as a preventive measure in order to have it circulating in the body thereby preventing the arrival of radiation to bind radioactive iodine in the thyroid.

natural iodine
cells have receptors for iodine, as is proved in the West people are suffering from a chronic lack of iodine, radioactive iodine receptors found free from here you will get problems. The defense is to occupy the cell receptors with natural iodine, so that radioactive finding no place to set up is ejected. The regular intake of natural iodine as well as defend radiation has a strong impact on cancer, the lack of energy, is related to a powerful defense of health. Iodized salt is absolutely not a source of iodine as to accept in the right amount you die from salt poisoning, pills or supplements can be avoided as it could be better and cheaper. Recommended daily allowance is 150 micro grams per day, and ridiculous as other minerals and vitamins that the recommended dose is designed to keep us perennially deficient in nutrients. The real minimum recommended dose is 6 to 12 milligrams per day or nearly one hundred times higher than recommended by health authorities, this amount can easily reach the and overcome with algae. In any case you can safely consume up to 50 milligrams (not micro grams) per day of natural iodine. I remember that are millionths of a gram micrograms and milligrams are thousandths of a gram.

The best source of iodine and are the most abundant algae.

kelp. The most abundant source of natural iodine. It is used to flavor food in pellet form instead of salt, quarter teaspoon of Kelp granules contain 3 milligrams of natural iodine.
kombu. With this name are marketed a wide range of brown algae, can be used to flavor foods or as any other vegetables. The kombu contains up to 2.5 milligrams of iodine per gram of seaweed.
nori. General name of red algae, contain only 16 micrograms of iodine per gram, yet easy to find and are delicious to eat.
Spaghetti sea, contain little iodine, which is always better than nothing and are a good substitute for regular pasta, and are very good.


If you have been exposed to excessive medical radiation (X rays), if you fly too, if you have eaten food contaminated with radiation, the following protocol is designed for uranium should apply it on a regular basis. According to the old military manuals, the best way to deal with uranium that is inhaled, ingested, as well as to remove it from the ground, is the BICARBONATE, if you plan to radioactive contamination from uranium would be inappropriate to a supply of 15-30 pounds.

Normally, the kidneys are the first organ that is damaged by exposure to uranium. The military manuals recommend baking soda to make the urine alkaline contamination if this happens. Uranyl ions, the bicarbonate may be less harmful to the kidneys and is promoted as the expulsion of non-toxic compounds of uranium carbonate complex. The ingestion of sodium bicarbonate diminishes the severity of the changes that occur in the kidneys by uranium. Baking soda is so effective and useful in the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, the researcher Don York has used to decontaminate soil contaminated by uranium, which has removed up to 92%, bicarbonate binds uranium separated from the land. Baking soda removes safety for people, paint, grease, smoke residue, reduces exposure to hazardous chemicals in the workers, and eliminates most of the associated waste. The hydrogen is able to decontaminate areas in which other substances are dangerous to use. For these reasons it is used in oncology to protect patients from the toxic effects of chemo therapy.

Uranium is one of the few metals that has a significant this bond with the carbon to be removed safely. Ingest much baking soda with water is extremely useful for kidney writes Dr. Chris Shade. There is no better treatment for diseases, nausea and vomiting from radiation, baths with baking soda. If you need to start with bathrooms usandone pound.

The problem of uranium and other radioactive particles from the fall of radioactive (fallout) extends to the lungs by inhalation of small insoluble particles that are deposited in the lung walls. It 's a great idea to address this issue by means of aerosol inhalation of baking soda dissolved in water, Dr. Sarah Mayhill. The radioactive poisons using the same route of chelation of mercury have been developed from this highly effective detoxification programs using chelating products.

is recommended to use large doses of vitamin C, magnesium, spirulina and chlorella, as well as bicarbonate.

Chlorella and Spirulina have been used with great success by the Russians after the Chernobyl accident. Chlorella is known as one of the most powerful existing chelating, the Japanese have proven that they are also able to chelate radioactive materials.

BROCCOLI. The consumption of broccoli is imperative in case of radiation (as well as chelation of heavy metals). The broccoli contain sulfur compounds that trigger the production of glutathione which resulted in the removal of metals and the elimination of free radicals that the radioactive material produced in abundance.


MISO, whole grains, seaweed.

After the atomic bomb on that city has noticed that in hospitals where they consumed MISO there were no deaths from radiation, while in hospitals where you have not eaten the dead were many. It was discovered that the miso (vitamin B complex) has a strong effect for removing radioactive elements. In this recipe the proposal.

grains. They have a multitude of benefits. The fibbre bind toxins by accelerating intestinal transit. Vitamin B6 nourishes the thymus gland. Vitamin E greatly enhances the use of oxygen. Rutin, helps protect against radiation and stimulates the production of bone marrow.
Algae, in addition to the iodine content prevent the absorption of radioactive strontium 90.
This simple recipe comes from Nagasaki that doctors have noticed their (and their patients), immunity to cancer and leukemia in spite of the atomic bomb.

I have not heard if MMS is able to counteract the radiation, this issue is that obviously no one has thought of. MMS is a potent broad-spectrum chelator, in able to chelate any heavy metal, used for this purpose in joining the chlorella gives people the greatest chance of eliminating these unwelcome guests. The radiation damage generally two types of damage. A heavy, the cells due to ionizing radiation with the development of cancer and / or leukemia, had a lighter ions are not radioactive. Whatever the damage, as is amply demonstrated, MMS can be very effective in putting the immune system can deal with the threat, giving people the best possible defense.

radioactive material to be addressed also in food. Please note that MMS is by far the best option to make the water drinking and for cleaning the surface of meats.

all depends on the severity of exposure to radioactive materials, excluding devastating exposure of the indicated protocol has proven highly effective. Cesium and strontium are also eliminated or chelates with the indicated protocol.

The protocol is derived from the old U.S. military manuals, it remains open the question of why the various theaters of war, this protocol has not been used on the soldiers, polluted by depleted uranium. How Andreotti said, to think evil is a sin, but we often guesses . Iodine from seaweed and baking soda are things from the supermarket, disseminate this information among the people embarrassing questions would inevitably arise on expensive and unnecessary medicines used in place of the protocol and why. I do not know that the media and halls of medicine have given the information you find in this post.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

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's love should not beg nor demand it.
Love must have the strength to draw the same certainty as if
. Then you will not be dragged, but drag

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Earthquakes; can be prevented? Negative ions

earthquakes, how to prevent them. From time immemorial, people struggle to survive the disasters that nature has the form of Earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, volcanic eruptions. Since the dawn of each tribe had its own particular men or women, can prevent such disasters, offering sacrifices to various gods in hopes of avoiding the catastrophe. However the man is almost never managed to escape unscathed in such events. Now comes un'eccezzione, the man of the rising sun. Construction and buildings elastic and springy able to withstand earthquakes of unprecedented power. View the day after the disaster has stifled the praise and was a little man grappling with a problem even more terrifying aftershocks of the tsunami and the ten thousand dead, the nuclear catastrophe. But if an earthquake were to hit Italy so what would happen? Still mindful of the Irpinia, Assisi and the Eagle would say that the only thing left to do is pray. In this regard, deeply moved by the doubts instilled by programs like Vojager with the predictions of Bendandi about possible earthquakes catastrophic in the capital during the course of this 2011 timidly raise his eyes to heaven, and after having examined the possibilities offered by the invention of Ighina shown by him in an interview, made by three rai See note with dismay that beyond the rhetoric of our leaders and politicians including, dell'Ighina this is the only real chance we have to physically groped to counter a possible future cataclysm in our old and dilapidated city made even more dangerous by a housing throughout the Italian made up of illegal building and building speculators. It is certainly not one that we build a dogma but a tool that's worth a try considering a sort of modern sculpture and crossing your fingers. But then what else can you do? Tormented by doubts, among other things, I decided legitimacy of hope to follow the old path, monotonous and perhaps surpassed, but always present. However, since I know very well the noble deeds of the Archangel Michael I decided to rely heavily on the patronage of the secu perlappunto my family that lives in Rome with the constant recitation of a special prayer and invite those who believe and even those who does not believe to do the same as history has amply recorded all the protective action of the Prince of Angels in favor of our country over the centuries. But as
I wonder if things are going we will still be worthy to enjoy its protection or preparing to do what we did in the evening to the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah?

In this regard an act of sincere contrition, and then pray this prayer is very effective from an ancient book unavailable on the market, the greatness of St. Michael the Archangel, which was originally called "Lent of St. Michael the Archangel 1868. Updated by Lina Flowers in 1958 on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the priesthood of his spiritual Father Pio of Pietrelcina House published the alleviation of suffering and purchased by me in a reprint of 1991. This book tells the form of meditation all the deeds from Sant'Arcangelo in Italy and around the world since their first appearance took place on Mount Gargano in 490 AD. Flowers was the job of removing from the book all those events which failed to verify historical data, and what remained of the book corresponds to reality; forty beautiful meditations on the healing power of angels, angelic and the crown over fifty real and miraculous interventions to save the people of the time: barbarian invasions, earthquakes, storms, disease, and the terrible tyrants Mori, particularly in certain regions of Puglia and Spain. If Italy has arrived undamaged and free from Turkish domination today, it is in gran parte alle gesta di San Michele Arcangelo e alla fede del popolo italiano che sempre lo ha invocato in suo soccorso.


Sanctus Deus + Sanctus fortis + Sanctus Immortalis + miserere nobis.
Princeps gloriosissime Michael Archangele esto memor  nostri hic ubique semper
deprerecare pro nobis flilium Dei: et defende nos in praelio ut non pereamus in tremendo iudicio.
C. A flagello terraemotus 
R. libera nos, Domine.
C. Ora pro nobis S. Michael Archangele
R. Ut digni efficiamur promissionibus Crhisti.

Onniponens sempiterne Deus, qui respicis Terram et facis eam tremere, parce metuentibus
propitiae supplicantibus: ut cuius iram terrae fundamenta concutientem 
expavimus, clementiam contritiones eius sanantem iugiter sentiamus.
Beati Archangeli tui Michealis intercessione suffulti, supplices Te, Domine, deprecamur: ut quod
ore prosequimur, contingamus et mente. Per Cristum Dominum nostrum.

PS + sign to make the sign of the cross . (Who can, who can not pray as they wish)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Can I Trip From Mucus Relief Dm

Negative ions are released frequently by supernatural appearances. Very useful for the diviner who is not ashamed to venture into the field of propabile is a negative ion detector issued by ectoplasm, as I said, appearances etc.. Since these types of detectors are also useful to locate emissions lithium ion generators, sources of static electricity, emissions electromagnetically high voltage.
is that the combined use of biotensor becomes vital to know if we're on the hunt a ghost or an electric field.

In his spare time, I wander in the ruins of old dilapidated houses are said to have been killed when the robbers and where rural traditions and some unfortunate passing through the truth has made some unfortunate encounter. I said I'm going to hunt the spectrum of a poor girl, the daughter of an earl, just raped and killed by the gentlemen mentioned a moment ago and that at certain times of the year is on a curve by the unlucky drivers skid and where more than one has left the skin. A big curve that goes to a place called Camigliatello Sadierni where a few feet from the edge can still be seen the ruins of the old house and where my nice detector has flashed for several minutes with the crazy hand at full scale, which is invariably when I go under some high voltage pylon. But there is no high voltage will not even the shadow (except mine) and the trees have grown in the rooms between the cracks of old walls, crumbling stone and lime rolled up in clay and then the air is pure and not the way you see a car especially in winter time.

movement biotensor now I know him well when he wants to tell me that it is not natural phenomena. The hair bristles on their backs to me, from the neck when I have some Evere receptor because after a few moments with the corner of my eye I see a movement milky and icy winds whip me contemptuous face tense and excited. Then I realize that the hours spent in research have led to that moment only did I know also that adrenaline is already all gone and I'm going home reciting some prayer for that poor girl who knows what doomed them to wander around for 's eternity. I do not do the job, but the Ghostbusters do not excite me almost more than making love, then I do not have to account to anyone, in that they are free from the commitments or promises, and I just have to give account if I do mestesso autosuggestion appearances and admit if I'm delusional. This is just pure and simple curiosity, to go with my own eyes to see if it is true that at that point something supernatural resist the crushing grip of all time.

Check out this blog will be available in my version of the negative ion detector. As a boy, studied electronics, and I always kept training, and how researcher many times my knowledge I have come in handy. Now I am proud to support to my collection of instruments including an electronic device to make searching more and more passionate and precise.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

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Atlas Bar, seeing is believing

Atlas bar, studying the possibilities offered by this wonderful srumento, I had the light to bear on a triangular piece of wood and hang the bar Atlas so made within that separates' kitchen from the rest of the kitchen where we usually get together to eat. Circulates air in the house often heavy and more than once that the pendulum is the biotensor indicated the issue of negative wave come down the stairs behind the wall of the kitchen. Often they fought at the table, even for a trifle, full of nervousness and tension most of the time inexplicable. It was carrying the proverb calzolalio with broken shoes, so driven by the need to have some peace at home I began the search for a tool that would help me get it.
The movie that follows, I turned the February 25 last year at about nine o'clock in the evening, my wife had gone to drink when at one point felt like a breath behind her and saw the bar turning curiosity excited as crazy, as if he had taken a violent blow. called me and Time to fire up the camera and this is what I managed to film:

You can also think of it as a stunt but it really happened,
(also unexplained why the movie has come so dark, you see only the illuminated triangle and variously colored and watching carefully you can guess the oblique impact is received when he intercepted and neutralized beam of energy, even if the rest of the wood is dark, completely different from what appears in the picture, permanently lit) twice in less than a month, but the second time was much more violent in fact swayed for nearly ten minutes. My wife stayed hurt all evening and if there had been no bar to protect Atlas dare not think what might have happened.
I submitted it to an expert, and confirmed my research and that is that it was an issue of cosmic energy of unprecedented power.
When the bar stopped waving a picture I took, and here's how it was positioned by turning on itself that is hanging on the wires:
I have made for a room, hung beneath the chandeliers , put on the cupboards, under the bed. Although it is accustomed to events of all kinds I had never seen a piece of wood weighing three hundred grams dizzy sway that way as if he had received a tremendous kick. I stayed with my mouth open like a fool, unable to do anything for several minutes. At home the atmosphere is different and unexplainable strife are just a memory.

; Update
For the sake last night at the same time and under conditions of light I thought to give a jolt to the bar of Atlas and its evolution I filmed with my old faithful and the digital Finepix A205S FujiFilm, Judge you the result.

In practice I am room in front of the corner Cooking with the light on behind me while the light is off the kitchen and you can also see the light bulb above the cabinet doors and bottles of Coke, but the most obvious thing is the bar, you see very well in detail what however, impossible to do in the first movie. The wine-colored piece of architrave visible in both films indicates that I was lit from behind. I came to the conclusion that the energy that struck the bar has stolen all the light around it.

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biotensor Aramen

biotensor Aramen. Directly from my lab here take the form biotensor Aramen specialist in Search enargite negative, made with copper plated handles, piano wire and counterweight in particular rutilated quartz, to help find energy emissions of emotional and mental nature, that is to say that this is a detector biotensor formidable forms of thought and for all other research: nodes Hartmann, Curry, undercurrents, and positive ions negatvi, affinity foods, remedies, polarity, chakra, Bach flowers, crystal and so on.

Aramen is a search tool built in accordance with the Fibonacci sequence length (51 cm) as in the picture fulfills this proportion is therefore in harmony with nature and therefore very sensitive in detecting all unbalanced disturbance. As respectable as any instrument must also be versatile, the steel core stable harmonic stretches of ten cm to harmonize based on individual sensitivity, thanks to a clutch system that guarantees stability and firmness.

The produzuone of this instrument is entirely handmade with the finest materials. It is made on request for the intentions of its future owner. (Intentions are affixed to the instrument via a special program that runs with the help of the pendulum Egyptian ).
harmonic steel cable runs through the copper in the grip of wood finishes that guarantee very little friction and insulation so as to ensure adequate shielding for auction by the energy operator and ensure that research shows less tiring.

From the photos are easy to understand the real dimensions of the instrument
(open max 64cm) and a unique insight denoted From the wide curvature of the auction at maximum extension. Moreover, the quality of rutilated quartz with inclusions of black tourmaline is very strong in the energy to ground shielding captured by the same operator. The instrument will be equipped with wooden case and brass ring optional. From May 2006 I started to build for people who want to have a custom tool and reliable. Leave a message on the blog for private contacts or send me an email:

Friday, March 11, 2011

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National efforts of delegates from the Trade and Commercial Filcams-CGIL: SEPARATE AGREEMENT - March 14

Monday, March 14 (9.30) at the Don Bosco Auditorim Via Melchiorre Gioia 48 there will be an active National trade delegations and tertiary Filcams-CGIL. Will be present at the time the Secretary General of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso ..........

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cervix A Week Before Menstration

Convening meeting with the unions - Leroy Merlin Italy - CGIL Laurentina

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ELIOS Ighina

ELIOS, another instrument of the great dramatic genius Ighina is aggregated to the large following of tools working / creating ; renewable bioenergy currently in my possession. The ELIOS thanks to the special aluminum and color properties can generate an energy field within its peculiar ring which is further enhanced by the water.

Trying to figure it out, literary ELIOS means gift of the sun. This connects us to the genius of our inventor, (Ighina) with the simplicity that gave substance to a divine oestrus other valuable characteristics of the emitted energy from the Sun The rhythmic energy absorbed and emitted from abstraction to be relayed from the ground source matter, FYROM, which is translated nell'ELIOS green color and the spiral of aluminum.
This tool works with the energies of so-called thin, primordial, primary undetectable by common tools. Its impact in the environment is immediate, gradual and uninterrupted its quantifiable benefits over time against all the organisms exposed to its range. It is useful to break down all those pollutants in the air, water, food, human and animal body including the radioactive contamination.

ELIOS operations reaches the maximum after about three weeks of continuous use, taking care not to leave never without water in it, and making sure to place it on a shelf of wood / glass or on the ground, never in direct contact with reinforced concrete (floor) as the chemical and physical structure of concrete amends' altering energy emission. I use a pot sown with dell'erbetta on which I hold the instrument, taking care to wet the soil from the pot so as not to damage the feet. As I said

ELIOS has just arrived at my house, now I have finished the preliminary stages of operation as a researcher and soon I will dedicate to discover all its features as always using my trusty tools of investigation; Egyptian pendulum, the biotensor and lots of patience. Those wishing to find out more about this tool please do not hesitate to ask me your questions, I will answer gladly here in the blog to extend the range of my inquiries ..

Friday, March 4, 2011

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: May 6th General Strike in Solidarity

On May 6, will strike General: four hours with local events. The announcement was made today by Secretary General of the CGIL, Susanna Camusso who spoke to an active trade union representatives in Modena.

Ramiro De Sean Cody Blog

colleague Simon

We express deepest sympathy to his colleague Simon for the cowardly act of vandalism that its photographic image has suffered. E 'was disgraceful and cowardly action that requires a unanimous condemnation. This fact makes us seriously wonder whether it is correct the extreme use of photos of employees is in store in the office, because to give a human face to the company you are exposed heavily to the action of "idiots".

Grande Simone!!

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of Positive Thinking, how to quit smoking

Positive Thinking, a simple view that unleashes the full power of your higher self, create your positive thinking to get rid of slavery of smoking.

you have any idea how much effort requires the application of a new technique for you to work? Believe at least seven seconds at a time for twenty-one days in a row! The greatest sacrifice is to believe in yourself and in your own innate abilities. The vital energy, the creative force that makes your heart beat and your eyelashes when you sleep, which regulates the growth of nails and hair, the smooth functioning of the lungs when you breathe you do not know which is the basis of positive thinking and its success. A thousand

cite a technical event, "The journey" (The trip) Brandon Bays (published ocean of life, found the garden of books). The Brandon says it is able to win a tumor the size of a basketball that the uterus was born.

Through positive thinking and a technique he had invented called "emotional journey," the Brandon is able to draw on its source the energy needed to trigger healing in six and a half weeks to return a uterus healthy as that of a twenty . This experience makes him a path to recovery enjoyed by all.
I come to the point, the lady in question, an employee of Anthony Robbins, a friend of Deepak Chopra and many others, makes a life of wellness, mind body spirit. Following a raw food diet, namely eats only raw vegetables, not eating meat, and dairy products, juices and drinks only centrifuged. Meditates several hours a day. He retreats. Pray often. Obviously do not smoke nor drink, and, however ill, nonetheless. What does this mean? What we do after all the efforts, sometimes things happen anyway.

How often faced with a problem, you tore my hair, denying what you believe because everything goes wrong? Often it?

But look how he reacted to the lady above, she told herself:
Hey Brandon, here your body wants to tell you something! A lesson you've learned .- crazy stuff right? Instead of listening to the doctor who has diagnosed illness, travel to work, she decided to devote four weeks of perhaps the last time that left to live to see things your body wants to communicate. He was 92, still lives in perfect health and going for the world to teach the way for his trip.

With her positive thinking it worked. Because you worked with?

Simple, has made crafting their own choices, without delegating to any other person to decide for him. He believed in! Keeping away from all the negative people if they could get her to doubt his choices and beliefs. In fact, he had no time to fall into disarray. He had a month's time before the dreaded task became useless. He knew based on his belief that by removing the evil without understanding the message could mean ritrovarselo shortly afterwards in a different place or in the whole body. Again according to his belief that understanding because he was born evil and resolving the conflict that had generated, evil itself would disappear.

Sometimes we are part of the fray, we allow things that we know not to come into our lives and then pretend to solve them without preparation and with almost no effort. We drive
centuries on centuries of ruthless enemies in our bodies as if nothing had happened. Filled the house with books, videos, courses. But the will to say: - Where do I start? What's in my life that prevents change? - we can not find. Let us flee from an expert to another, continuing to delegate more responsibility to our first we meet on the street. So positive thinking will never work.

ready, he calls his friends want to collect, please barrier against your enemies and keep them at a distance, look in the face without fear of them, each of them, I'm not you.

Who are your enemies? First thoughts are overwhelming, those dictated by fear, violence, misunderstanding, abandonment. Sense of inadequacy. When there are loopholes, food, alcohol, smoking. The rush to blow off steam with someone. Third. The easy tips that are causing you to let go or give up. Diseases disorders are only the weapons from your enemies in order to draw attention to herself. They want to be found and taken away

Call your memories, without saying when it is started. Want to get rid of smoking? Surely you had about thirteen, when you have lit the first cigarette. You wanted to feel bigger and get noticed by someone and you needed a cigarette to show off more security. Now you no longer need anything, just to let you live in fear of some disease that it is better not to name. So you know why you started smoking. No trauma, no negative emotions. That 's what you think! It was the sense of insecurity to make you light the first cigarette. Would you deny it? It's up to you to say with certainty. I do not want anything inculcated. I can only suggest a way, give a cue to start logging;

Route to heaven a prayer - O God of all please give me the strength to make me into what I am considering
.- Sit comfortable and close your eyes. Relax a few minutes. Then think back to your first cigarette and realized how you felt happy, the pats on the back of your friends.

But now displays the following:

're in your lungs, they look surprised, are all blacks, burned. Breaths and puffs of smoke emerge from the alveoli blackened. Here and there, drops of black tar and nicotine slowly slide down, falling to the ground. You roll your eyes upward, and the trachea moves, and see that the rings formed from which bleed, scorched by the hot smoke that passes through them. Pieces of black soot will fall on him with every breath. Now you feel even the smell unbearable strain hot off with water.

- Are you there? We are unable to see how your lungs are reduced? Well, now back from insecure child, take her hand to see. Ask him if he still wants to smoke; post a response you ...

Meanwhile you decide whether to stop or not, when a cigarette lighter, and a sense of justice to yourself and those around you, just the display that I have suggested, may also work with you.

Look what it sounds bad? Stop smoking! Sa tax and we know that the charges do not work.

The statement is correct: \u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not smoke anymore.>> Quiet but firm.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Can Cadets Be Married While At West Point

I like you when you are quiet because you're as absent, and
hear me from afar and my voice does not touch you.

I like you when you are quiet and you're like distant.

And you hear me from afar, and my voice does not reach you:
let me shut up with your silence.

Let me also talk with your silence
light like a lamp, simple as a ring.
're like the night, silent and constellations.
Your silence is star, so distant and simple.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

How Fast Does 9 Hp Motor Go


Surveys Divining. Almost all the physical problems are often far away, following the path ethereal. Thought-forms, old emotions / fears back in time often revolve around the aura undisturbed feeding our energy blocked at several levels as gaining strength reduction in the various layers of the cocoon vital energy that surrounds us to accumulate germs as true intersizioni pathogens in the material that gives us form.
Here absorb vital energy from the surrounding cells and begin to create an energetic block that will gradually evolve into a real disease. Divining the duty is to intervene before that happens and to do this relies on several types of surveys, responding where modern diagnostic imaging seems unable to reach.
radiesthesic examination includes a complete check-up starting from the individual vibrational energy value primarily using the straight edge of Bovis

Ruler Bovis

The survey is not invasive and is usually carried out using a personal photo, half-length and without glasses. When the search if necessary are given the most appropriate ways to recover energy state most congenial to maintain good health. the committee also includes
energy detection of the various organs and systems of the person responsible for energy research of congestion likely future conditions.
Survey to detect a color match color / dysfunction, to determine which colors are best suited to restore a balance vibration. The subtle energy and that almost no one ever says, vibrates emitting colors of the rainbow in a much wider range of colors. When an energy center, something happens, the output of the color decreases and sending the color matches, it is recharged back to work properly.
Dial affinity

Survey character to highlight latent defects, the affinity of torque, the sincerity of a friend.

survey of business (to know in advance who you're dealing in trading and corporate business meetings, chance of success in business.)

survey of workplaces and homes to detect nodes Hartmann, and other sources geopathogenic on map and photos of the house.


Research on water and soil samples and map when you can in person on the spot.