Sunday, January 9, 2011

Natural Sources Tadalafil

geopathic, knots radiating

geopathic but what are they? it is negative energy generated by aquifers, fractures of the crust, geopatie related to underground water courses and radiant nodes or Hartmann.

start order, the water aquifers, fractures of the crust due to earthquakes and disasters generate a strong flow of energy damaging their vertical, so as water courses and the infamous energy networks that emerge from the planet, covering the entire surface of the earth in a rectangular mesh weave X2 2.50, 00 with a thickness of 20 cm that formed the notorious crossing knots Hartmann also called nodes or points radiating cancer. This theory, already alone is enough to destroy life as if one sleeps on a node of intersection of these energies in the long run is subject to real conditions.

course, the official science there chuckles up, but in Eastern researches have been done to this very serious issue and came to startling discoveries and several municipalities have adopted plans of engineers and architects experienced in dowsing applied giving rise to civil neighborhoods geocompatibili materials and strategic position by the buildings, with bedrooms and beds placed in the axis north-south and in harmony with the network hartmann, see photo.

to identify a node in a house hartmann need the intervention of an expert diviner equipped with L-rods or the antenna or better yet the fish biotensor.
as you realize you sleep on a spring geopathogenic? the most common symptom is the emergence of illnesses like headaches, heaviness, irregular sleep, nightmares, tiredness in the morning, as if there had never lying down.

the remedy against the most common of these disorders is to move the bed if possible on the North / South in modern houses although this is almost impossible, then the node must locate and neutralize it with special instruments. Having even care to turn off all electronic equipment in the room. All these things known, and unnecessary because, unless a seriously ill is not difficult to agree to switch off the TV or phone. So it goes.

I highly recommend these preliminary precautions, and try for a week. If discomfort persists (eg. Onset of headache during the night) may be sufficient to move the bed six inches of the side in a forward direction or the other or away from the wall. If the trouble still persists, identify the node and apply a neutralizer.

In business there are many, but there are also many that you can DIY, the most common is the orgone but there are many. To be certain of their actions, we must make a serious search radiesthesic and rely on instruments capable of work over time.

an excellent remedy that anyone can afford without spending excessive and continuous operation assured, (click here) FYROM

a tool invented by the great Pierre Ighina and produced by the expert , researcher and inventor (and my personal friend and esteemed) Domenico C. Erim works by combining spirals / color and is activated by the energy of the sun and the earth thanks to the laws of rhythm. This is not c 'is the nearest practitioner some obscure, but the genius of a great inventor who was assistant to Marconi proseguitore and his research. FYROM is indeed the result of one of these searches.


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