Friday, January 7, 2011

Long John Dong Silver Bilder


Ghosts, ghosts and ectoplasm are the torment of hundreds and hundreds of people in Italy. Only in our country is hardly ever spoken of as often happens in other countries.
But there really such cases? some say yes, and I also know a couple of people who claim to be victims of strange phenomena, especially the night time ago I met a lady who claimed to have been attacked on the couch in broad daylight by the ghost of former owner home before he died apparently had expressed a wish with their children not to lease or sell the house because no one would be avenged. The poor woman was sleeping on the couch for the usual afternoon nap when suddenly you feel your throat tighten and a great weight prevents her from getting up. The prejudice to the intervention of her husband.

another woman, said to be haunted by a sister who committed suicide, that continually makes you hang yourself with persistent rumors that haunt her day and night.

Because our spectra are so violent? and why do not just like all the ghosts to be seen in passing as in America and the London Underground?

Not too often (fortunately) is contacted to try to resolve some of these mysteries, especially by farmers who live in old houses full of abortions, accidental deaths, and often I am faced with real cases of spiritist infestation. As we do not live in the Middle Ages, these people before contacting me, have already consulted doctors and specialists of all kinds without solving anything. I do not seek contact with these entities, I just make that take away the noise and find peace. O eternal rest as they say ...


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