Monday, November 22, 2010

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brush up on our contract Supplementary: Post!OpenDocument
Notwithstanding the provisions of art. 179 of the Negotiable force, the parties agree that in case of absence from work due to illness of the child within the eighth year of life, the parent, the economic coverage of absence, can draw from the total hours of paid leave accrued at the time the request, with a maximum annual cap of hours usable for 40 hours.

The parties agree that workers suffering from a disease provided by art. 2. paragraph 1, lett. D Ministerial Decree 278/2000 is given the opportunity to take advantage of 6 hours each year of paid leave to carry out medical examinations. These permits can not be accumulated over the years and not eligible for any benefits in lieu if not used. For part-time workers is to art. 73 of the current National Collective Bargaining Agreement.
the requested paid leave mentioned above shall be communicated to the company normally 15 days prior to its use. Once the visit, the worker will produce declaration medical documentation of the event itself.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

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Workers LM Laurentina

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Play Pokemon Emulator Online With People

If I were a painter
paint "our photo" the most beautiful
if this is the only way
to be with you.
sit there together like we used
with fantasy and folly,
under a swirling sky
for all to see.

And dream a place
where can I see your face
and I know that my heart
me back there, next to you.

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This killed my imagination wound trampled denied Forgot
because I feel I have stepped wound killed and denied forgotten why I wonder?
only people who Tina Pica summed up in a bar of "Bread, Love and Dreams."
Tina Pica, "The people say"
De Sica: "But What people? "
Tina Pica (the sentence with an accompanying movement of the arm and involves):" Well, people, people ... "

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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grandmother, but where I live? possible that there is a world in which the ancient legends thrive undisturbed on the outskirts of citizens and generate fantastic tales? is a sign that all the tales, even the most incredible, are rooted in some truth or it's all about magic?
my head threatens to explode, are become hysterical and paranoid.
but I never doubted, even for an instant, the superiority and diversity of him than usual. Discovering his being was not was a surprise, I knew there was something in him.

Monday, November 8, 2010

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often happened that our eyes met, our tacit complicity was declared. I was often afraid that those looks and smiles that I gave were only the result of a good education.
wrote. He did this often. He wrote in a notebook with orange hardcover.
Who knows what to write? I wonder if he has ever written anything about me? I wondered. I liked it because
scrivere.Innanzitutto took off the armor and then because you could see he was totally immersed in what he did. So much so that even I was jealous. It 's true that when he wrote he never raised his head from the book, but seeing so involved in what he wrote made him even more fascinating. I wanted to be part of that world.
Even when not distracted ever read. To do this you put on her glasses. Stood well.

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\u0026lt;\u0026lt;But you who sei?>> I asked.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;vuoi know davvero?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Sì.>> I replied.
I looked into his eyes and then looked up to heaven.
\u0026lt;'I Am a stella>>
I burst out laughing. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;But Dai, stop with these scherzi, tell me who sei>>
\u0026lt;'I Am a stella>> repeated again.
I was nervous.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;vuoi me to believe that a sei, stella?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;and you, please, will you believe? Forget the bad experiences you have had that led you to be a person who does not believe more in the magic of existence, tried at least this time there is a magic.>>

Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Can U Be Anorexic

it seemed to me the first time I spoke with her. was alone, trying to fly his aquilone.Non was nothing strange in that frail girl with bare feet. Yet the how did fly his kite made me realize that it was different. Not only trying to make it fly, but we spoke, he called it. We tried, by his kite soar shining like a diamond and colored with pastel colors than once, and then yet again on the cold morning breeze in the sky: it was inverno.Ma whenever he was about to fly, ended by another part, and glided to earth. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;You should stretch a little tail>> I suggested. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;fallo Pesante, also a bit more so when you start to run and l'aquilone is going to control the tail alzarsi, direzione.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Are you safe?>> the girl asked.
To be honest, no, but: the secret of a well balanced kite is in the queue.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;A longer tail, you say? Are you sure?>> again urged the girl. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Pensi that if the longest I'll push up into the sky with lui?>>
smiled. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;No. the kite go higher, but will not get you into heaven.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Allora wrong bene>> rispose.Raccolse ground his winged friend, rolled the string and was about to go away . I felt terribly guilty. I had met with the dream of a girl, would help his kite to fly. I must be honest with her and make her do the efforts that would not work. However, I saw the sadness in his eyes made me think.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ehi, amica!aspetta!>>. He stopped and looked at me.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tu want a kite that will help you volare!>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Not proprio>>, he admitted. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ho Need a kite to make me reach stelle.> ;>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Stai scherzando, vero?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;No.C'è something wrong in trying to reach the stelle?>> replied angrily.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;How you are planning to build a kite that can make you touch the stars? It '... is impossible.>>
\u0026lt;' If you think questo...>> did not finish the sentence and left.
did not answer. Was it fair to say that a naive girl who would never be able to carry his kite to the stars?
The next day I got up early. I had not slept well that night. The words of that girl I had taken sleeping.
decided to return to the park. The girl was there, stubborn as the day before, trying to fly his kite but could not.
I approached her. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;some Miglioramento?>> I asked.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Perchè me chiedi?>> said. \u0026lt;\u0026lt;Tu Not think I could fly with him high enough to reach the stelle.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Esatto>> I said.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ciò you do not understand do not have it up in fondo>> he said. I was so caught off guard by that phrase does not know what to say. How old was she? looked at a Pivellina novice, yet he had stated a truth that had left me speechless. And, more important fact, had aroused in me questions that I was not able to respond.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Adesso dimmi: you come for a walk in the park or to help me build a kite that will take me to stelle?>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;I do not know why I'm doing this, but I will help you .>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Togliere a weight from the heart of another person is a way to forget their affanno>>, said the girl with a big smile.
bought some sticks, straws and the string needed to build the frame. We pay much attention to the choice of materiale.Con wrapping paper, the coverage would be perfect.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Ah, and must then be color dell'oro.>>
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What can be seen from stelle.>> I tried to
stay calm. I knew there was something that united me to that girl, but I was starting to feel strange.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;What're trying to fare?>> I asked.
\u0026lt;\u0026lt;Back to casa.>>
looked at her and I decided not to make them more questions.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Are Frodo And Sam Gay?

Before I was a scared person. I was afraid because I did not see. I was like a little girl who was walking in a dark room. Now everything was clear: there was light, there was love. I learned that the opposite of love is not hate. Hate is the absence of love, just as darkness is the absence of light. The opposite of love is fear. For the first time in my life I was not afraid

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Well, Grandma, you probably noticed that my boy shines. He happens to sunlight. Do not worry ...

Monday, November 1, 2010

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Everyone should read the book " Gomorrah" by Roberto Saviano, for open a window on understanding the phenomenon of organized crime in Italy and beyond.
is a book that should appeal to all personal growth of soul and open mind to issues that often escape our attention.
is commonplace to think that the mafia, the Camorra, the 'Ndrangheta, the Sacra Corona Unita, the Stidda, etc.. are local phenomena, restricted to particular regions of southern Italy. Phenomena coexist in a long time with special populations, from which are fed not only material but also spiritual, mental and cultural.
Organized crime has now become "the system" that wraps in a network are often invisible throughout Italy and Europe and the world. It is a system where the threshold and the collusion between the lawful and the unlawful has become very thin.