Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Water Light

light water. I have brought into the world of the vital fluid along a path I believe attractive and affordable to all. From time immemorial, people had to fight for their own welfare, but never as in this historical period has been kissed by fortune can bring together so close, within reach of all the fruits of thousands of years of discoveries, techniques and ways to acquire and maintaining levels of health and well-being always higher. With pride I place my knowledge in the hearts of those who want to get enlightened:

- Take a bottle of clear glass and fill it with water, and possibly natural diuretic
not put it on the table in front of you and activate the vital fluid, flapping his hands between them. Take a quick centering of the heart. Remember the chestnut? well, now you're ready. Let's say someone

family peeing in bed every night routinely. We are talking about the small house, since she is scared that time is gone the light letting the darkness in the bathroom, took to suffer from nocturnal enuresis.

begin to deal with for twenty minutes morning and evening water, putting her hands to the bottle, about two cm by moving slowly up and down, displaying the following sentence:

"My hands are light, which illuminates and dispels any Awe.

I remind you that the phrase or positive affirmation you need to keep vigilant attention on what you are doing and that is of vital energy load your bottle of water. The beauty

universal life energy, is that she does everything, so do not worry. After the third day that have treated water as described give it to those who suffer from enuresis, twice a day, a cup of coffee in the morning and another in the evening.

If someone in the house suffering from conjunctivitis or at least the watery eyes, always try to make him clean morning and night with your water and wait for light ...

certainly negative side effects there will be none.

forgot, treat the bottle and hold it for at least six days in a secluded place, not to eat it accidentally. If you need more water, use also a two-liter bottle ... -



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