Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Waynesburg Drivers License Center

Collective Exhibition Opening Invitation

Opening: November 7, 2009 at 18:30
at Veronica Sacchi Association Onlus, Via Don Guanella 11, Milan
Period: from November 7 to November 21, 2009
Admission: free
Hours: Monday to Friday, from 15 to 18.30. After hours by appointment
Evening Closed: November 21, 2009 at 18:30
Curator: Nicole De Biasi

Info: fabularia09@gmail.com

Video the exhibition Fabularia : http://www.youtube.com/naiadearte

The exhibition "Fabularia" has the intention of celebrating the cultural and artistic charm of the various literary forms and styles linked to the reality of fairy tales and fables. We will try to sweep the world enchanted and magical for the children to the fantastic, sometimes darker and more surreal, aimed at an older audience. With "Fabularia" you want to recreate the primordial wonder, stimulate the imagination (essential for our soul), to explore dreams and desires through art and poetry. The stories, accompanied by a moral, and fairy tales, with their happy ending and the good and the bad guys quite distinct, are alive with enchanted forests, magic and unreal landscapes, animals speakers, goblins, witches and fairies. They are stories that live in the uncertainty of time, in remote areas or poorly defined, stories that make us discover new cultures and empathize with the fears and dreams of the protagonists.
The main authors of classic stories are Aesop, Phaedrus, the brothers Grimm, Perrault, Andersen, La Fontaine, so until you get to Lewis Carroll and the genera most current fantasy or gothic tales cinematically enhanced by Tim Burton.

host structures: Association Veronica Sacchi
Association Onlus Veronica Sacchi, was born April 6, 2001.
Its main objective is the promotion, training and support of youth volunteering in all its forms and in various fields (cultural, social, educational and therapeutic).
Specifically, from the beginning, has focused on the formation of AVS ClownTerapia. To do this, together with One Clown Italy, the association index core courses, aimed at young people ready to bring joy where there is no more. In hospitals, nursing homes, in communities of disabled people, orphanages, prisons in wherever there are difficult situations. In Italy and abroad.

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