Thursday, September 16, 2010

Diagram Of Framed Swing

soon a short ebook I created in tribute to all visitors who subscribe to the blog Dawning Light Centre for Medium Universal Life
a small manual for those who want to start the wonderful journey of healing with the vital fluid.

The ebook contains principles to work in peace and security with the vital fluid on himself and loved ones to resolve negative emotions related to stress, nervousness, and many other symptoms that can make life a living heavy.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

S3 Savage2000 Display Driver

self-esteem as rebuilding it with the vital fluid

esteem, and wellness. Come discover the vital fluid to heal the wounds inflicted self-esteem, by negative emotions and fears that may have compromise the level of self-esteem and consequently the quality of life.

From the fruit of my experience, I gradually learned over the years spent as Fluid sometimes in reconstructing the whole identity of people from traumatic experiences and violent, that self-esteem is the sum of all opinions, beliefs, convictions, actions and emotions of a man and of all persons with whom he lives and is contact.

How can the Universal Life Fluid heal emotional wounds related to events or adverse events that occurred perhaps in the distant childhood and thus increase their level of self-esteem enhancement with joie de vivre without being psychologists? simple enough to identify the physical body of the pain points associated with negative emotions rooted in our being, like many early warning systems:

- Each event occorsoci along the way of life, is recorded by brain as negative or positive or to be deleted, depending on the severity of the case. For each of them, however, associated with a feeling tied to an emotion more or less intense.

If the offense occurred is not, it will be the same emotion and whenever we will face the likelihood that that fact can be repeated, although conscious level do not remember, the first sensation and then the negative emotion will relive the nightmare as a refusal to leave home, go to a place, see that person in order to avoid a repetition dell'increscioso fact (a typical example is the shock post car accident).

Unfortunately or fortunately, the emotion and negative thought forms, (deep negative beliefs, self-hatred desire to die, etc..) Create a congestion of negative energy in the auric level, as a series of dark clouds over the stationing specific places of our physical body, which always corresponded to the painful or sensitive points that are activated after initiation negative emotion. I say fortunately, for the simple fact that with the help of this vital fluid accumulations of negative energy and can be removed from the aura.

We the hypothesis that your friend is afraid of spiders, because once the camp while you relax in the shade of a beautiful oak tree, a crusader Epeira Diadema, he plunged in the face. Since then, when he sees one, even a small start cold sweats and abdominal cramps are. You can intervene with the energy in at least three ways;

Before proceeding, however, be aware that it may be more fruitful to start with a mild negative emotion, not reason to give to our ego, which is very strong in these cases to make us give up with excuses as always:

- no use!
what they want to know this one!
go for a walk which is better -.

you do not want this to happen right? Then you better start with a small problem ;, with friend or companion with whom you are practicing for the performance of exercises with the Universal Life Fluid.

I said, there are three ways to intervene:

1, use energy to absorb the black cloud, stagnant aura about painful

2 nd do a thorough cleaning of the whole aura that surrounds our body as a cocoon (auric egg)

3 rd use of positive affirmations and visualizations to replace the old beliefs, fears and opinions.

On energy, slamming his hands as usual between them, the dominant position on the contract or painful area and begins to turn over tenendovela slowly counterclockwise, showing a drill on the palm, which, penetrating into the tissues pours out all sorts of negativity. Keep the other hand raised to heaven as a figure in Egyptian, and turn to God's request to accept that you are removing energy congestion that converts it back into positive energy. continues for about ten minutes, asking from time to time, your friend what he feels and how he feels, whether to cry or even scream, let / to do, without interrupting him, will not last long and this is the first warning that a change is happening.

When this first point, by placing the person standing before you, start cleaning aura starting from his head with both hands, at a distance of about 10 cm from the body, with fingers spread apart to form rakes and viewing of the extensions at the ends of his fingers, began to make slow steps, down to the ground, three, five, sometimes on all four sides of the body, moving clockwise.
View, the various clusters of negative energy as balls of heather taken away, away from the wind.
acquiring practice, you'll start to feel the aura such as dirt spines that sting your hands to pass, bumps and cold areas, where energy is not running anymore. Repeat this exercise several times a week for up to five times.

Integra treatment with repeating positive statements and views in mind and also formulating and strengthening of your love by sending to that painful period:

-Vincent I love spiders because they are creatures of God like me.
Vincent I am not afraid of spiders because they are beautiful and industrious.
-Vincent I love the spiders because they eat small animals like annoying mosquitoes.
- View the crusader who walks on your hand while stroking the back with the index finger -

the session ends by a prayer of thanksgiving to God for using fluid universal life and go to wash your hands to the elbows with soap and warm water to remove residues of negative energy entangled in his hands. indulge in both a time to relax and get to grips just lived experience.

(if you want you can take notes and make comparisons between treatment and the other and then start a new file containing all the fantastic experiences with the Universal Life Fluid)