Friday, March 12, 2010

Red Metal Core Scooter Wheels

mummified liver

is the best way to determine quickly and without spending your skills for future therapist. Buy a slice of veal liver MAX 4 mm high, three, and the perfect fit, take it home and put it in a paper plate, without washing or dry. Take some time and would mark a notebook where all stages of the experiment, start date, time of application and how you feel during and after treatment. Are you ready?

GOOD wash your hands and rubbing them between their activated energy without using excessive force. Sit comfortably in front of your liver and for the first avvicinateci your dominant hand, right where you are right, if you are left handed (usually corresponds to the hand emitting). START NOW to rotate counterclockwise slowly, displaying the thought of wanting to absorb all the energy of the liver to reduce it to a shoe sole. FATE this for twenty minutes, after you turn the slice on the other side and past the other hand, always turning it counterclockwise to keep alive another twenty minutes in you the desire to want to dry out completely. After the treatment store the pot in a dry and safe from prying hands.
(Do not store in the fridge and away from heat sources. Do not cover it) Use a shallow dish and put your hands in sfiorane the edges without touching the meat. The experiment to be valid it must be concluded within seven days and in the end your liver must look like this weird bat in photography;

this experiment I have completed in five days, a slice of perfectly mummified liver delivered to eternity, in fact mold neither parasites have power over it, but still smells of fresh meat has about two years and I keep it in a wooden box wrapped in a towel to avoid dusts. Here's how the universal life FLUID said PRANA unable to change the subject and therefore if you can get a result like this, you can begin to grapple with the treatment of various diseases and disorders on victim ... aem on relatives and friends, until you decide to take the next step, a real course Pranotherapy industries or at least you know as much as possible about the subject, to avoid damage to yourself and the next you, as the energy work is very delicate and moves on balances that sometimes escape us. Always be wary of excessive enthusiasm and always proceed by degrees will never replace your doctor or medical care, otherwise you will have a short life.

Always wash your hands at the beginning and end of each experiment, because you have absorbed NEGATIVE ENERGY diseased organ and that in the long run can cause serious nervous system disorders. Negative energy is not the work of evil, it is simply energy that becomes congested produced dall'rgano sick of negative polarity with respect to the operator and therefore can be absorbed as long as a does not know how to protect themselves. To avoid this right now, the best thing is to wash your hands to the elbows with soap and warm water, walking in the open air, hug a tree, walking barefoot around the house. This also helps to discharge in excess of vital energy when you do not work, so do not be surprised to light bulbs that burn out, doors and furniture that fire in your path, I discovered just a pranoterepeuta that burned the phone and ironing board and called me terrified to know what was going on. Quiet, no spirits, only the fluid that Universal Life abounds in you. Over time you will learn to understand that even the walls of your home slowly becomes saturated with pranic energy, and all I find it a place of peace and serenity.