Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dragon Ball Vegeta Bulma Doujin

The leader in football

In team sports the misconception that common sense has to identify the leader in ' coach or captain, and sometimes most pronounced in the sample. In reality, however, is not always the case. Very often we tend to believe that the coach could be the real leader of the team, since - in fact - has the task of organization and management of the group.

The real problem is that very often the coach is not recognized as a leader on the team and then was demoted to the role of leader, a role that does not require to be exercised emotional affective acceptance of group members. The same goes for the captain if he was appointed taking into account different values \u200b\u200bfrom those of the group. In fact, often, the captain is one who has most appearances in the field with the team jersey, or is the oldest

For a group have a leader from which to be guided, especially in difficult times, is of vital important to get to get the results you want to reach the group itself. The leader is the element that help harness the potential of the individual: the fulcrum around which the various merging individuality in the search for the cooperative spirit that is an essential ingredient for the success of a football team

who practice a sport team in the group knows that not everyone has the same qualities of charisma. In fact there are people who like to stay secluded, others who are inclined to be guided and someone instead of showing remarkable talent to drag.

research on the issue of leadership among the members of the group were based on two assumptions:

· The position of leader on the pitch.

· The qualities and elements of the personality of the leader himself.

With regard to field position, and the correlation with the consequent possibility of being the leader, the search was quite extensive results.

These studies have reinforced the theoretical hypothesis according to which the centrality of field position is important in determining the team's emotional guide. For example, the "batter" in volleyball, the "quarterback" in American football, "Midfielder / director" in football, 'center' "etc in water polo.

Grusky worked on these assumptions, which also found that those who have this type of role are also more prone to become a career in the post of manager of the same sport.

The leadership is still a dynamic element that incorporates many other elements besides the field position, especially personality.

The regularity of the performance, experience, team-mates on the ascendant, can certainly be stronger than the discriminatory position on the pitch.

the time that the leaders - to be such - they need soldiers, a simple observation of the behavior of the team or group, will detect the scene of action of leaders and followers themselves.

The younger athletes, who are just in the group, are more likely to tend to follow the advice, the opinions of most experts (and BJCratty RE Pigott).

In general, leaders are those that are experienced by teammates as competent, skillful, determined to conduct the training towards the achievement of success, but also able to create good interpersonal relationships with peers and the coach.

Who is more likely to be recognized as a leader must have a particular personality. This type of person must have first of all a good level of self-esteem. Being aware of its value as a person but also as a player, to the point of granting the ability to make suggestions and choices of address to his comrades. The leader can not be too selfish he nor overly narcissistic.

cooperative spirit must be an element base on which to build the relationship with his teammates. Who field also proved to be too selfish, maybe overly "driblomane" is unlikely to be recognized as a leader of the group.

intelligence and sensitivity are two essential qualities to be able to expect to be a good leader. The true leader is one who can positively influence the mood of the team both in and out. It is a subject that reacts with grim face of difficulties, and this characteristic of personality to the most fragile security.

Often we are asked a question that is on, but is essential to have a leader?

The answer may be this one. Experience tells us so, that without a team leader is unable to overcome the many difficulties that must be confronted. If, however, we favor an approach to theoretical reasoning we can safely say that if all parties are strong, confident, motivated and able to face reality in the best way there would be no need of a leader, we can define a good shepherd who leads the flock. This approach, however, has much the flavor of utopia. To be able to do without a leader should have as many "super man". Super man understood the concept of F. Nietzsche: where super man is one who can go beyond itself, to overcome its limitations and individual self-interest to rise to the ability to build with others. A situation that often creates problems in a team is the presence of what is called the negative leader. It 'a person to gain a leading role in the group tries to play on the dissatisfaction of some members of the group. It 's a very dangerous figure because has as its goal the failure of the team goals. Often it is a subject that does not feel sufficiently presumptuous question, maybe even play a little, and that as a real snake strip and tries to hit so often even a little cowardly. Becoming the chief enemies of the coach and when things fall, I do not get results, assumes the role of leader of the rebels against the coach.

Many wonder if the coach can become the real leader of the group. Personally I think it is very difficult. First, because the coach is a leader who is vested with this power by a higher authority (the company) and therefore is not chosen by the group. Second, because too often holds the power to reward or not the motivations of individuals.

A crucial aspect the coach's job is to know and be able to run programs technical / tactical to the players.

The role of the coach should provide the ability to command and direction, so it must be a leader.

According to Martens, the leadership is simply the ability to give others a work plan, directive, having a vision of the possibilities and goals.

The authority is a feature in the management of the group. It to be positively carried out, avoiding to translate it into authoritarianism, should be first be recognized by the group.

The recognition of the authority and competence of the technician of the group is the indispensable condition for it to be accepted as a leader.

In practice, the coach must first win the confidence, after which the group choose to be guided by him. We can say that a situation is frequently one in which we find a coach who is accepted as "leader", then he is a recognized technical expertise in tactics, and an emotional leader who is among those players instead.

Too often many coaches coming into a team tend to arise in respect of the athletes with an authoritarian attitude, which does not take into account that first of all you have to be known by the group, a physiological approach to overcome the initial suspicion.

If a group refuses unlikely that a coach will survive for a long time on that team, because sooner or later conflicts will arise very strong. A very important aspect is the relationship between the leader and coach. A coach is when he realizes that the leader of the group shall maintain a special relationship with this. The better the relationship between the leader and coach and more positive one between the coach and the team. If the leader will share the philosophy of coach automatically becomes an ally and use her influence on the group to help the coach.
